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S.M.A.R.T.E.R. Mentoring Program

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What is S.M.A.R.T.E.R. Mentoring?

S.M.A.R.T.E.R. stands for Students Mentoring As Retention Tools for Effective Results. This program fosters relationships with incoming BIPOC/Underrepresented freshmen to initiate that first relationship when they arrive on campus. Trained mentors continue to nurture that relationship throughout their first year at Carthage and help expose them to campus resources, network, professional development, making new friends, getting involved, and much more.

Our goal is to further student retention rates for BIPOC/Underrepresented students, ensuring that incoming freshmen have a sense of belonging within their first month of being on campus.

Your contribution directly supports...

  • Enhancing Student Retention Rates: Through fostering strong relationships between incoming students and their mentors, S.M.A.R.T.E.R. Mentoring creates a sense of belonging and connection, which is critical for retaining students, especially those who may face challenges during the transition to campus life.
  • Creating a Supportive Campus Environment: Your support enables us to create a welcoming and supportive campus environment for incoming BIPOC/Underrepresented students. Because of donor support, the program can grow to offer a wider range of initiatives, programs, and support services.
  • Program Expansion and Innovation: Support from donors will enable the S.M.A.R.T.E.R. Mentoring Program to expand its reach and innovate in response to changing student needs.

2023 Program Numbers:

Program Supervisor: 1 (Student Worker)

Lead Mentors: (4 Student Workers)

Mentors: 18

Mentees: 40

Next school year, we anticipate reaching 100 mentees!

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!